A Visionary Voice for Inclusion

“If I could say anything to a women clergy, I’d say, find a community of women who can support you. I’ve been part of a women’s clergy group since 1983. It has been life giving and life saving for me.”

Barbara Lundblad points to her aunt, Trudy, 89, as a source of inspiration throughout her live, including today. Trudy was a lay leader, mentor and someone who “would have become ordained” had it been possible in her day.

In 1966, they still weren’t ordaining women, so Barbara worked in youth ministry in Minnesota for the first ten years of her ministry career. The pastor gave her opportunities to preach. Feeling a stirring she wanted to explore, Barbara went to Yale Divinity School. She regretted leaving her position working with youth and education areas. “We were trying to validate those kind of ministries and so when I left – it felt like I was betraying this work. I left kicking and screaming.”

Ordained in 1980, Barbara Lundblad recently retired from her position as a preaching professor at Union Theological Seminary of New York City. She’s an author of Transforming the Stone: Preaching through Resistance to Change and Marking Time: Preaching Biblical Stories in Present Tense as well as many published articles.

Barbara has not been afraid to speak about justice and sexuality issues. Listen to her speak to how things have changed for women leaders in the church:


A different day. Yes, indeed. Thanks be to God.

“I would like to be remembered as a teacher to help others find their voice--not to copy my voice or someone else’s—but to find the gift of the word for themselves.”